HOw to play nook

Is there a solo mode?

Yes! The matching rules remain the same, but you're playing against yourself and trying to clear as much of the deck as possible. To start, shuffle the deck and deal out a 4x4 grid of cards face-up. Each stack in the grid will have 3 cards in it and there will be 3 extra cards not used in this game. Your goal is to remove as many cards as possible by making matches.

Matching rules remain the same as the base game with a few exceptions:

  1. You can only make matches with the top card of each stack

  2. You can only make matches with cards in the same row or column

  3. Matching a single element is not allowed

  4. Matching two elements allows you to remove both cards from their stacks.

  5. Making a perfect match allows you to remove both cards and an additional card of your choosing

  6. Duck cards on top of a stack can only be removed by making a non-match

Your final score will be the number of cards remaining when you can no longer make a valid move. Lower scores are better!

How do I pick which card to discard?

It's up to you! You can discard any card you want. If you don't want to think about it, discard the right most card in your hand.

Do I have to play a duck card on a non-matching card?

Duck cards are played normally from your hand to make a match. The duck comes into play when it is on top of the idea pile— That's when anyone can play a card on top of the duck card to try to make a non-match.

Do I discard cards when I steal the turn?

No! You only discard when you play a card with 2 matches as a part of your normal turn.